Salvation Army General Lauds Organization’s Work in 2017


Salvation Army pic
Salvation Army

Kurt Lutgert serves as a vice president of The Lutgert Companies in Naples, Florida. In that role, he locates and purchases new properties and works with land planners, architects, and other professionals to develop them. Also active in charitable work, Kurt Lutgert supports the efforts of organizations including the Salvation Army.

In recognition of International Volunteer Day last December, the Salvation Army’s leader, General André Cox, offered a message of thanks to the volunteers and contributors who propel the organization in its mission to help those in need worldwide. Cox’s video message was broadcast on numerous social media channels as well as on the organization’s website. In the video, he laid out the many ways in which the organization and its global network of volunteers are involved in disaster relief, the fight against injustice, and missions.

He specifically pointed out the work of the organization in the wake of devastating hurricanes that pummeled areas of the United States, Mexico, and the Caribbean in 2017. Thanks to the generosity of its volunteers and those who financially support its mission, the organization was able to offer a great deal of humanitarian assistance and spiritual comfort to those who had been affected by the storms.

Important Fundraising Milestones for Take Stock in Children

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Take Stock in Children

A bachelor’s degree and MBA graduate of Duke University, Kurt Lutgert is a spiritual development expert who also serves as vice president of The Lutgert Companies. Apart from his professional life, Kurt Lutgert is a longtime supporter of Take Stock in Children.

The last two years have seen Take Stock in Children bring in significant financial support from key partners. In October 2016, the group announced that TD Bank had donated $100,000 to help fund the ongoing operations of the charity. That wasn’t the largest recent contribution, though. Earlier in the year, Helios Education Foundation announced in January that it would provide the charity with $3.5 million in funding that will go to providing some 300 college scholarships for children in need in the Central Florida region. Some of the funding will also help pioneer a new regional model that is based on data science analytics.

To learn more about the organization and its mission, visit